Animation Governors Joel Fajnor & Kaz Aizawa, and Children's Programming Governors Jill Sanford & Troy Underwood, along with their Peer Group Executive Committees, invite Peer Group members and a potential new member guest to our:
Animation & Children's Programming In-Person Mixer!
Join us in person for food, drinks, and mingling - toast your peers and introduce potential members to our organization. Bring a colleague as your guest. All qualified Active members will be invited to take part in judging panels for the upcoming Children's & Family Emmy Awards. Staff will be on hand to share the benefits of Television Academy membership and to assist with starting the application process.
Links to individual peer group requirements are below.
Children's Programming
Academy Members: Click here to RSVP.
Reminder: Peer group events like this one accept registrations on a first-come, first-served basis. If the event reaches capacity, members who register will be placed on the Waiting List. As space opens up, members on the Waiting List may be promoted to a registration up to 24 hours before the event. For more information, check Frequently Asked Questions.
Only Television Academy Members with valid membership cards. Seating is subject to availability; first come, first served. Admittance is not guaranteed.
All attendees must provide proof of vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test taken within 48 hours of the event. The date of the last shot must be more than two weeks prior to the event. Digital or hard-copy proof of vaccinations will be accepted. The COVID test must be time and date stamped.
Event will take place inside the Television Academy's Saban Media center lobby. Guests are not required to wear masks; however, disposable masks will be available at registration should guests prefer masking. All Academy and working staff will be masked.
The Saban Media Center complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and California accessibility mandates. Click here for more information.